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/ Collection of Tools & Utilities / Collection of Tools and Utilities.iso / graphic / stk100.zip

Jump To: Text (12)  |  Other (10)

Text (12)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
COPYING Text File 24 995b 1990-10-20
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 2 42b 1987-07-17
README Text File 60 2KB 1990-10-20
SM.DOC Text File 63 2KB 1990-10-20
SPRED.DOC Text File 152 6KB 1990-10-20
SPRTEST.C C/C++ Source or Header 86 3KB 1990-10-20
SPRTEST.PRJ Text File 4 35b 1990-10-20
SPRTEST.SMP Text File 26 1KB 1990-10-20
STK.DOC Text File 910 38KB 1990-10-20
STK.H C/C++ Source or Header 193 7KB 1990-10-20
TURBOC.CFG Text File 11 73b 1990-10-20
UNPACK.BAT DOS Batch File 13 317b 1990-10-20

Other Files (10)
DEMOSRC.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 12KB 1990-10-20
SM.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 48KB 1990-10-20
SMP.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 20KB 1990-10-20
SPRED.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 61KB 1990-10-20
SPREDSRC.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 14KB 1990-10-20
SPRSHOW.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 44KB 1990-10-20
STKSRC.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 39KB 1990-10-20
EGAVGA.BGI Borland Graphics Interface Driver 5KB 1988-08-29
HERC.BGI Borland Graphics Interface Driver 6KB 1988-08-29
STKS.LIB Microsoft Visual C Library 20KB 1990-10-20